Barracuda Seduction


Okay, H.G.Wells. Out of your hiding!
It's my turn to go riding
twisting through time in your elusive machine.
Back to the Big Bopper days
Swoons over Elvis
Crooning the doo whaaps
on our big yellow bus

Remember my old white barracuda, H.G?
Yes, the one with the red bucket seats
Well, that's where I want to end up
sprawled in that back seat again

This time we would finish
our unzipping and doing
before Chief Cato poked in his bald head
Oh, how his kisses unwound me
as 'do it', 'let's do it', he moaned

H.G., oh please, please take me back
let us get the undoing done
what a scene that would be
if you let the Chief arrive a few minutes late

We could give him one for the books, H.G.
Maybe make Dr. Ruth blush, do you think?
If anybody could do it, I tell you
it would be done in that rosy back seat

Take me back, H.G., I beg you
I'll even make you a deal
You can have that barracuda after,
love-sweetened back seat and all!

Pris Campbell
Copyright 5/20/2001

Music: 'I Want To Be Seduced' 

Dedicated to Larry,
who remembers that barracuda well:-)

See his response below the music box!


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(Larry's anonymous poetic response to this long ago event)

She drank Dr. Pepper and
drove a white Barracuda,
eyes and mouth hungry.
Parents contented and
good, she irreverent
and waiting to be bad.
Kind of skinny, with
a smile. Delicate
curves in her mouth and
hips. Trouble they said,
trouble I wanted, sultry and
wet, pushing here and pulling
there, the Barracuda waiting and
pulsing, providing cover
for the secrets uncovering
inside. Getting warmer, things
moving faster and smelling
mustier. Wait, what's that!
Damn him, damn that light!
Zippers zipping, beads of
sweat dripping. "Yes,
Chief Cato, yes,
you remember me, yes, his
daughter, yes, they're
fine, yes, I'll do
that, Chief Cato,
thank you, yes."
No, Chief Cato,
it's time for you
to go and go and go and go,
Slip away your fat Southern
presence from those sweet
Southern memories,
so I can rewind
them and redo
what that