Original Sin

When Adam bedded Eve in these dark pines
I wonder if they laughed in their nakedness,
threw kisses at lopsided stars.
I doubt Adam searched for other Eves to ogle,
found fault or ignored her.
He likely never took joy in jabbing her
with sharp twigs or thorns.
I dream of them cooing blissfully,
serpent and apple still in their future.

Our boat swings with the tide, waking us.
He slides inside. My very own Adam,
already tainted by original sin.

Pris Campbell

Published in the Wild Goose Review 2009 and nominated by them for 'Best of the Net'.


This poem comes from my book, Sea Trails, which can be purchased at Lummox Press. Just click on the cover and you'll get the ordering link.

Art: Adam and Eve, by Klimt

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